This is a digital version of Vamoosh Violin Book 3.
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28 varied and motivating pieces that include ensembles, duets and rounds. Suitable for violinists from grades 3-5. Books are compatible with Book 3 for Viola, Cello and Double Bass.
Backing-tracks are available here and on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube and other platforms. Search 'Vamoosh String Book 3 backing tracks'.
A Piano Accompaniment Book is available here.
1. Cafe Calypso, 2. Jamobree, 3. Nocturne, 4. Canon (R. Fl.*), 5. Dona Nobis Pacem, 6. Reel (R. Fl. Str.), 7. Pavane, 8. Chillax, 9. Sarabande, 10. Free Wheeling, 11. Changing Tides, 12. Can Can (Fl. Str.), 13. My Bonnie, 14. Renaissance, 15. Droid, 16. Panis Angelicus, 17. Sonata, 18. Turnpike, 19. Wind Chimes, 20. Trepak, 21. Winter, 22. Saint Saens Finale, 23. Brahms Finale, 24. Tango Por Una Cabeza, 25. Carmen, 26. The Jammy Dodger, 27. Concerto, 28. Passacaglia, 29. C Major Scale, 30. G Major Scale, 31. D Major Scale, 32. A Major Scale, 33. F Major Scale, 34. Bb Major Scale, 35. D Minor Scale, 36. G Minor Scale.
*(Cl.) Compatible with Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone and Sax.
(Fl.) Compatible with Flute.
(R.) Compatible with Recorder.
(Pn.) Compatible with Piano.
(Str.) Has a compatible version in other books for Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass.