This is a digital version of Vamoosh Double Bass Book 2.5
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Fun, user-friendly book for young Bass players. 34 varied pieces including rounds and duets. Ideal for both group and individual teaching. Compatible with Violin, Viola and Cello Book 2.5. Some pieces are also compatible with Vamoosh Recorder, flute, Clarinet and Trumpet books.
Piano Accompaniment book is available here.
Backing-tracks are available here and on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube and other platforms. Search 'Vamoosh String Book 2.5 backing tracks'.
1. Gliding Above (Cl.*), 2. Lotus, 3. The Wise Oak Tree (R. Fl.), 4. The Howling Wind (Fl.), 5. At the Proms, 6. Traffic (Cl.), 7. Dancing Shoes (Cl.), 8. Scaling Up F Major, 9. Down the Stairs at Midnight (Cl.), 10. The Drunken Sailor (Cl.), 11. Distant Land, 12. Hallapalooza (R. Cl.), 13. Wizard Waltz (Cl.), 14. Dingbats (Cl.), 15. Sunshine (Cl.), 16. Auld Lang Syne (Cl.), 17. Scaling Up Bb Major, 18. Junkanoo (Cl.), 19. Airport! (Fl. Cl. Str.), 20. Another Time, 21. Tappity Tap (Cl.), 22. Little Robin, 23. La Fiesta (Cl.), 24. Tears of Spring, 25. The Nervous Adventurer, 26. Solstice, 27. Inferno, 28. The Entertainer.
*(Cl.) Compatible with Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone and Sax.
(Fl.) Compatible with Flute.
(R.) Compatible with Recorder.
(Pn.) Compatible with Piano.
(Str.) Has a compatible version in other books for Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass.